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Alternative Measure of Success

Many say U.S. graduation rate formula is hopelessly flawed. U. of Alaska at Anchorage creates its own method -- and invites others to follow.

Spreading the Gospel on Student Learning

As deans, professors and association leaders meet to advance and assess liberal education, they reach tentative accord on a national, coordinated strategy.

The Competition to Be Transparent

Long criticized for providing too little information about their prices and performance, college groups are now pouring (often overlapping) information onto the Internet.

U. of California Catches Up on Accountability

Prodded by new president, university system -- which has shunned national assessment effort -- prepares to adopt broad public data reporting.

Let the Assessment PR Wars Begin

One university's boast about its CLA test scores suggests that student learning outcomes might be the next battleground on which colleges compete.

Private Colleges, Serious About Assessment

Professors and administrators from dozens of independent colleges gather to share advice -- and their concerns -- about using the Collegiate Learning Assessment effectively.

Who Leads?

Education secretary's final higher ed summit finds general consensus on problems, but less on how to fix them -- and who should take charge.

Mapping Student Learning With Precision

In ambitious, long-term effort, West Point maps and measures a multi-layered set of outcomes across the curriculum.