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Evaluating Teaching During the Pandemic

Some colleges are changing how they collect and consider student ratings of instructors, citing the COVID-19-driven move online. Might that undermine a widely criticized (and used) tool?

Reviving the Original Purpose of Pass-Fail

We should use this moment to recapture some of the initial spirit of the option, argues Jonathan Zimmerman.

In a Pandemic, Everyone Gets an Asterisk

Rethinking how we assess, test and grade our students gives not only them but also instructors needed flexibility during an impossible time, Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis write.

Will Regional Accreditation Go National?

The federal government opened the door for regional accreditors to operate in other parts of the country, and one agency is taking advantage, Judith Eaton writes. Is this a good idea or a bad one?

Go East (or North), Regional Accreditor

Freed by new U.S. rules, the accrediting agency for California, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands will review colleges outside its region -- the first regional accreditor to make such a move.

Improved Grading Makes Classrooms More Equitable

While faculty members believe that their practices are fair and objective, a closer look reveals that they are anything but, argues Joe Feldman.

The 2020 Inside Higher Ed Survey of Chief Academic Officers

Only 22 percent of provosts believe their institution is very effective at recruiting and retaining talented faculty members, according to...

Many Nonprofit College Programs Would Fail Gainful Test

Data in a new online tool raise questions about how well public and nonprofit colleges and universities are doing in helping students earn enough to repay their debt.