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Assessment Disconnect

Annual gatherings of student learning experts and accrediting officials reveal lots of assessment activity on campuses. But policy makers ponder whether it adds up to meaningful national progress.

Going Public

It's time for all colleges to release an understandable report on how they measure learning, and accreditors should require such disclosure, writes Douglas C. Bennett.

Accreditation 2.0

With the system of higher education self-regulation under intense scrutiny, Judith Eaton envisions what its next iteration might look like.

Scrutiny for an Accreditor

Unhappy with regional agency's judgment in one university's case, inspector general urges Education Department to consider revoking its recognition.

A For-Profit Accountability System?

U. of Phoenix's annual report of academic data, though imperfect, show the university's strengths and weaknesses. Why aren't other career colleges disclosing similar information?

Assessing NSSE

The survey of student engagement has been widely embraced as an accountability tool. But it's flawed as a measure of campus learning, Mark Schneider writes, and even weaker when used for comparing colleges.

The Clock is Ticking

It's only a matter of time before the Obama administration, like its predecessor, focuses intently on higher education accountability. College leaders shouldn't wait, writes David C. Paris.

Collaboration on College Completion

Gates Foundation funds efforts in seven cities to boost graduation rates by coordinating resources of K-12, higher ed and local government; data-sharing programs among those targeted.