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Imagining Starting from Scratch

As U.S. panel brainstorms about big-picture changes to accreditation, ending agencies' role as gatekeepers and moving away from a regional system appear to gain favor.

More Scrutiny for Accreditors

As the federal committee that oversees accrediting agencies meets, the consensus is that the Education Department is becoming more stringent.

Glimpse Into the Future

Spat between Ellis U. and regional accreditor highlights challenges for institutions and regulators alike as higher ed business partnerships grow in scope and complexity.

Fixing Accreditation, From the Inside

Higher ed associations create panel to study and suggest changes to quality assurance system -- not least to ward off government action.

What's 'Good Enough'?

A regional accreditor pushes the boundaries of how to assess its colleges and universities -- including a focus on how they measure student learning.

So Far, So Good for Trial Measures

Community colleges piloting Voluntary Framework of Accountability say they see value in project but complain of difficulty collecting data.

Quantifying Study Abroad's Impact

At Forum on Education Abroad conference, practitioners describe a wide array of tools and research projects under way to better gauge academic gains in overseas learning.

NSSE's Validity Questioned

Ask many a college president about assessment of student learning at his or her institution, and the first thing you...