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Culture of Completion

Students are asking faculty members to pledge to create a culture of completion.

Credit for Service

Seven states partner up to ensure that student veterans earn college credit for service, while also calling for help from ACE and the Pentagon.

Helpful or a Hindrance?

Georgia Tech official describes Udacity partnership on Capitol Hill, provoking back-and-forth about whether accreditation encourages or deters innovation.

Through the Learning Lens

If they are to avoid the fate of Eastman Kodak and Swiss watch makers, colleges need to abandon outdated and idiosyncratic policies and practices that don't put student learning front and center, George Boggs argues.

Real Numbers, Real Goals

Ben Miller explains how the White House can lead the way in designing a meaningful college rating system.

Isn't Learning Part of 'Value'?

President Obama is right to want colleges to prove their worth – but his “myopic” plan ignores how much students learn, writes Richard Hersh.

Performance Funding Goes Federal

Obama proposes expansive college rating system. Making it happen won't be easy, but higher education leaders said they'll play ball.

Experimental College's First Graduate

Competency-based education takes a major step forward in its challenge to seat time as College for America awards its first degree.