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Race on Campus, Nontraditional Leaders, Rising Confidence: A Survey of Presidents

College and university presidents overwhelmingly describe race relations on their campus as excellent or good, are increasingly upbeat about their...

Assessing, Without Tests

Measures of student learning, beyond grades, are on the rise, according to results of a new survey. But colleges are less likely to use standardized tests for learning outcomes.

Athletes' Postcollege Outcomes

New Gallup-Purdue study finds comparatively high levels of well-being and engagement among college athletes.

Professors Can Learn to Be More Effective Instructors

Studies of faculty development efforts at a liberal arts college and a land-grant university suggest the programs can have an impact on student outcomes.

Another Take on Competency

Competency-based education can strengthen, not weaken, the liberal arts and provide a path to better wages and lives for adult students, Paul LeBlanc and Jim Selbe write.

Let Them Eat Cake (Competently)

Competency-based education, the new darling of postsecondary disruption advocates, threatens to further stratify higher education, writes Steven Ward.

The 2016 Inside Higher Ed Survey of Chief Academic Officers

At a time of intense pressure on academic leaders, provosts are worried about the future of liberal arts education --...

Yes, Virginia, There's a Better Way to Grade

While we in higher education keep using it, our grading system is broken, argues Linda B. Nilson, and she offers some concrete ways to fix it.