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Nonprofits Are Vulnerable, Too

Education Department's proposed rule for student debt forgiveness could threaten traditional colleges as well as for-profits, particularly over its broad view of what counts as misrepresentation.

'Passport' for Transfer

New interstate network seeks to help students transfer across state lines without losing credits, but also defers to faculty members at each college about how to measure learning.

Preparing for 'Era of Data Ubiquity'

Researchers convene to discuss how the deluge of data collected about students can be used to benefit higher education without compromising privacy.

Scorecard for Accreditors

The Education Department has created new data reports on the performance of accrediting agencies, using measures such as graduation and loan repayment rates at colleges the agencies oversee.

Accreditor, and Accreditation, on Trial

When a federal panel weighs whether to keep recognizing an overseer of for-profit colleges this month, the feds and the accreditor alike will be judged on the outcome.

A Faculty Stand on Assessment

To do justice to students and as a matter of professional duty, faculty members should be at the center of defining and measuring undergraduate learning outcomes, argue Josipa Roksa and Richard Arum.

Plan to Define and Test What Students Should Know

New book unveils faculty-led effort to chart concepts and competencies students should learn in six academic disciplines, with plan to create standardized tests. Will faculty members warm to this version of "learning outcomes"?

Determining a Student's Place

More community colleges are moving away from relying on placement exams alone to figure out whether incoming students need remediation, but establishing a substitute system can be tricky.