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Want to Enhance Humanities Career Outcomes? Engage the Faculty

The job of preparing students for the workplace can’t be left to career services offices alone. Professors are key, Emily J. Levine and Nicole Hall argue.

Return of the College Scorecard

The Department of Education rolls out updated information on its college transparency tool, including a new comparison feature.

The Fruits of Collaboration

An alliance of 11 public research universities shows that sharing data, ideas and practices can help more low-income students graduate.

Adaptive Learning, Transformational Education, & Next-Generation Assessment

This booklet on adaptive learning and other emergent educational trends is Inside Higher Ed's newest print-on-demand collection of articles. You...

Design Learning Outcomes to Change the World

We in higher education do a poor job helping students translate the specific content or knowledge gained in our classrooms into a tool that will help them thrive in life, writes Cathy N. Davidson.

A Key (State) to Completion

California’s public colleges are partnering more with foundations to achieve completion goals, and while resistance among faculty members remains, the previously rocky relationship appears to have improved.

Senator, Come Visit My Classroom

Lawmakers who think higher education is broken -- and that “innovation” and more assessment can fix it -- would learn a lot from seeing the learning process up close and personal, Bernard Fryshman writes.

Cal State to End Placement Exams

Move is part of a goal to significantly raise graduation rates.