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Unmanageable Quagmire or Elegant Distinction?

Natasha Baker analyzes the potential impact of the ruling by the National Labor Relations Board on graduate assistants' right to unionize at Columbia University.

Scabbing on Our Future Selves

Joseph G. Ramsey reflects on grad students’ earlier efforts to unionize, arguing that those students who simply accepted low pay and few benefits were helping their own longed-for tenure-track jobs to disappear.

The NLRB Got It Right

Recognizing graduate students as employees is good for the whole university, argues Mary Grace B. Hébert.

Possible Path to Grad Union

Graduate students reach an agreement with Cornell that could carve a path for them to form a union, rare among private institutions, and avoid the long court battles that have been expected.

Big Gains for Adjuncts

Northeastern is latest university where first contract with adjunct union has included substantial salary increases and other key benefits -- such as payments for classes that colleges cancel.

Unilateral Governance at Union?

AAUP alleges antiunion activity and violations of shared governance at Union County College. Findings could translate to association sanctions.

An Attack on Tenure From a Democratic Administration

Connecticut State U professors say proposals for their new union contract, including the transfer of tenured faculty members to another university and expanding the grounds for dismissing tenured professors, read like an attack on their rights.

Developing Adjuncts

Non-tenure-track faculty members say they want more convenient, compensated professional development.