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Michigan Grad Workers Strike

University of Michigan requests injunction to stop the strike by graduate student workers, who are asking for a 60 percent raise in minimum salaries and improvements in benefits for transgender, international and parenting members.

After Yearlong Wait, Bates Unionization Vote Fails

After over a year of waiting for the results of a union election that would have brought together non-tenure-track faculty and staff, union organizers heard the outcome. They lost.

A New Era of Union Activism in Higher Ed

Are higher ed leaders ready, James B. Thelen asks.

Temple Strike Ends After Grad Students Accept Deal

The Temple University graduate student workers’ strike, which lasted over a month and got ugly when the university pulled tuition and health insurance benefits, has come to an end.

Monthlong Temple Strike Enters Possibly Pressing Week

This week looms large, with a possible no-confidence vote for university administrators and public dissent within the graduate student workers’ union.

Lacking Collective Bargaining Rights, but Organizing Anyway

Faculty and staff are forming unions even in states that lack collective bargaining rights for public sector workers. These recent actions are part of a long history.

Temple Demands Strikers Pay for Tuition, Health Care

The university has ended striking graduate student workers’ health coverage and, in what the AFT calls an “unprecedented” move, is demanding they pay tuition, too. Temple says over 80 percent of the local union members aren’t striking.

In Black Professor’s Firing, AAUP Finds ‘Racist Tropes’

Indiana University Northwest fired a Black professor after alleging he said something about killing white people. An AAUP report found “racist tropes of incompetent, angry and physically violent Black men in the language used to justify his dismissal.”