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Making Monographs Open

A project that aims to slash the cost of producing monographs could help make more of them available to the public for free. But will scholars participate?

Counterproductive Thinking

Scott McLemee reviews Melissa Gregg's Counterproductive: Time Management in the Knowledge Economy.

Rival Publishers Join Forces

Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education will combine to create one giant education publisher focused on digital content. Observers aren’t convinced that’s a good thing for students.

Reprieve at Stanford

Provost, who had said university was ending its support for university press this year, extends it for another year and suggests more support could be coming in the future. New approach comes amid widespread criticism.

‘Intersectionality and Higher Education’

Editors discuss new volume of essays on the ways higher education is changing because of issues of race, gender and sexuality -- and how they think higher ed needs to change even more.

The Publishers' Move to Capture Campus Data

Analysis commissioned by advocacy group documents how major companies' business strategies could help them lock up research and learning data that colleges and scholars need.

Stanford Moves to Stop Supporting Its University Press

Scholars question decision -- particularly as it comes from one of the world's wealthiest universities and will limit publishing by a highly respected press.

White Nationalists Disrupt Professor's Talk

Vanderbilt scholar was talking about his new book, Dying of Whiteness.