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Foxy Logic

Scott McLemee continues his review of Catherine Lyall's Being an Interdisciplinary Academic: How Institutions Shape University Careers.

‘The College Dropout Scandal’

Author discusses approaches that work to get students to the finish line.

Publishers' Pending Merger Faces Growing Opposition

Concerned about limited purchasing options and potential price increases, students and consumer groups challenge the proposed merger of two major textbook publishers.

This Journal's Future Is Female

Political science association pleases and surprises members with its flagship publication's new editorial team.

Interdisciplinary Action

Scott McLemee reviews Catherine Lyall's Being an Interdisciplinary Academic: How Institutions Shape University Careers.

Textbook Spending Continues Slow Decline

Survey finds the amount students spend on course materials each year has decreased, possibly indicating students are increasingly utilizing open-source material and other educational resources.

‘A Sweet Racket’? Yeah, Right

When a misleading op-ed in The Wall Street Journal irks academics, it's time for a fact check on faculty work and pay.

From Classroom to Underclass

Scott McLemee reviews Gary Roth's The Educated Underclass: Students and Social Mobility.