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For Books, Against Boilerplate

Officials at the second largest research library in the United States have their talking points about its redesign. Scott McLemee wants them to change the script.

'A Model Discipline'

Authors of new book discuss political science, "physics envy," and why scholars need to change their view of models.

Don't Touch My Textbook

A Texas community college district wants to save money for students by selecting common materials for each course. Faculty object, saying their teaching role is being diminished.

'Arms and the University'

New book examines the decline of ROTC after the Vietnam War and its recent return to America's elite campuses.

'How Economics Shapes Science'

Economist's new book explains the many ways financial forces affect scientific research -- and those who hope to practice it.

A Significant Flinch

As a boycott against its journals gains momentum, a prominent scholarly publisher folds support for anti-open-access bill and offers concessions to angry mathematicians.

'Schoolmaster of the Movement'

Professor discusses his biography of Benjamin Mays, the Morehouse president whose influence went well beyond mentoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Open Access and Interventionism

White House solicitation about the government's role in making federally funded research available to the public rekindles debate over open access.