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The Mind's Ear

Nietzsche, Sartre, and Roland Barthes kept regular daily appointments with the piano. Scott McLemee listens in.

College Beyond Grades

A university administrator's new book looks at students who were motivated by creativity, not grades, to think deeply and impact others.

'How Did Poetry Survive?'

Author of new book discuss American poetry's rebirth around the turn of the 20th century -- and why it matters today.

The Best and the Brightest

A cable news journalist looking at American life through classics of social theory? Scott McLemee checks it out.

What Can University Presses Do?

Marshall Poe relies on academic publishers and loves the works they produce, but fears they aren't going nearly far enough in recognizing the new realities of the way people read and gather information.

Lenders in the Courthouse

Library associations say Supreme Court case could make it illegal to lend books and other materials that were manufactured overseas.

Liquidity Trap

Zygmunt Bauman's new book discusses education in an age of unrelenting instability. Scott McLemee consults a modern master.

Mending Fences

University press directors bemoan ruling in Georgia State copyright case, discuss how to make up with librarians and curb unlicensed copying outside the courts.