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'Reconsidering College'

Author discusses new book arguing that Christian adults should consider Christian colleges and that those institutions should embrace the nontraditional market.

Bending the Shtick

The figure known as "the Elvis of cultural theory" has just published a book of jokes. Scott McLemee is holding his sides.

Forgive Us Our Debts

It's a casino economy -- where the dealer always wins. Scott McLemee reports on a book about profit, loss, and education as a risky bet.

'Triple Package,' Ethnicity and Success

Husband-and-wife professors at Yale law school (she gave us the "Tiger Mother" debate) publish book about why some racial and ethnic groups are more successful than others. And no, it's not because they value education.


Editors discuss themes in new book of essays, written by multiracial college students.

Timid About Fair Use?

A new report from the College Art Association says that artists and art historians have real and perceived concerns about fair use laws. Experts say other kinds of academics do, too.

'Creditocracy' in America

How much remains of democratic principles when a society is sunk in financial debt? Scott McLemee starts checking the books.

Options Don't Stem Textbook Woes

Report, citing crippling textbook costs, argues for more use of open-source materials. Publishers dispute the findings.