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The Loose, Baggy Monster

A new book take up the cudgels on behalf of social constructionism. Scott McLemee isn't exactly knocked out.

Meeting Expectations

An upcoming book argues that meetings -- one of the most loathed aspects of academic life -- are untapped sources of creativity and insight.

Bringing It to the Masses

Little scientific research ever makes it to the public sphere. One postdoc wants to change that with a new website that helps scientists translate their research for lay audiences.

Luxury... and Your Next Book

Mark Edington considers the real crisis in academic publishing.

Throwing Rocks at the Ivory Tower

A documentary filmmaker releases a critical look at higher education and student debt. But was he wrong to ignore the for-profit sector?

'Place, Not Race'

Author discusses a new approach to affirmative action in admissions that she says could help the disadvantaged without some of the legal and political issues that challenge current approaches.

Unbeaten Streak

The digital repository HathiTrust scores another victory as a federal appeals court rules its practices fall under the "fair use" doctrine.

Buy the Batch

An ebook series puts old scholarly papers in front of new readers. Scott McLemee thinks it's a model worth emulating.