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New Career Path?

New book proposes teaching-intensive tenure track to address what it calls the "real" crisis in the humanities.

Frye Revived

The pre-eminent literary theorist of the 1960s and '70s went out fashion -- yet never really went away. Scott McLemee looks into the afterlife of an original.

'Organizing Enlightenment'

Author of new book on the creation of the research university discusses the role of disciplines and information overload -- from the 18th century to the rise of MOOCs.

Get Well Soon

Put down that chocolate and pick up some broccoli! Improve your attitude and you can do anything! Scott McLemee looks into a new book on the critique of self-improvement.

'Indian Spectacle'

Author discusses her new book on the role and long-term impact of Native American mascots of college teams.

Going Off the Map

A historian's travels can contribute more to her work than archival sources. Scott McLemee reads Dispatches From Dystopia.

Decline of the West II: The Dysoning

A prominent African-American professor unleashes a sharp attack on his mentor. Scott McLemee hears echoes amid the buzz.

The Professor's Literature of Protest

Thorstein Veblen's The Higher Learning in America is back in a new edition. Scott McLemee revisits a scathing classic.