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Back in Black

A philosopher's commitment to fascism raises controversy … again. Scott McLemee is scandalized.

Fearful Asymmetry

Obfuscation: it's not just for post-structuralists anymore. Scott McLemee discusses a book on creating privacy in digital society.

'Undisciplining Knowledge'

Author discusses new book that considers both the positive and negative impacts of an interdisciplinary approach.

Fixing Grad School

New books set out agendas for both professors and students on how to change the experience and career paths.

The Atrocity Exhibition

All too familiar: a disturbed loner wins posthumous recognition by mixing mass murder and mass media. Scott McLemee consults an Italian theorist's reflections on the problem.

An Error of Era?

We divide history into periods just to keep it manageable. Scott McLemee reports on a discussion of whether we're doing it right.

Not So 'Fun Home'

Duke U freshmen say a celebrated graphic novel depicting lesbian sex and relationships shouldn't have been included on their recommended summer reading list, and some won't read it.

'Off to College: A Guide for Parents'

How should parents prepare children for college? In a new book, a former college president takes a look at programs and resources at five different institutions to find out what students need and what parents should do during the first year of college.