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Leveraging 'Lingua'

Open-access advocates see an opportunity to capitalize on the Lingua controversy, but outcomes of previous mass resignations at scholarly journals paint an unclear picture of the impact of "editorial mutinies."

'Birth of the Intellectuals'

According to Christophe Charle's book on the topic, a debate over their definition and role has raged since the beginning, writes Scott McLemee.

Reprimand Upheld for Professor Who Wouldn’t Assign $180 Text

Fullerton faculty panel finds faculty member broke rules by deviating from departmental choice, but also finds department didn’t have proper procedures in place.

'Taking College Teaching Seriously'

Gail Mellow, a community college president, discusses the importance of pedagogy -- the theme of a new book she co-authored.

Elsevier Battle Escalates

Did the publishing giant found the journal whose editors have resigned in protest?

Past Its Peak

Over the past century and a half or so, petroleum has been abundant and relatively easy to extract, Scott McLemee writes. The next 150 years -- in fact, the next 15 -- do not look quite so promising.

'The Right Thing to Do'

The disability studies scholars behind guidelines on accessibility in publishing gain their first endorsement from a university press.

Language of Protest

The six editors and 31 editorial board members of Lingua, a top linguistics journal, have all resigned to protest Elsevier pricing. They plan a new open-access journal.