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Wiki Worker Wanted

West Virginia U searches for a first-of-its-kind "Wikipedian-in-residence" to increase the number of women contributors to the online encyclopedia.

A Deep Springs of Their Own

While one of country's most competitive colleges remains closed to women, an alternative women-only summer program has popped up on the other side of the country.

Caricature of Campus Activism

Pundits overwhelming portray student activists as oversensitive whiners. Don't buy the hype, Michelle Minter argues: they are raising real issues on campuses.

Faculty Salaries

"Faculty Salaries" is Inside Higher Ed's latest print-on-demand compilation of articles. It contains a report on the annual faculty compensation...

Race in a Ph.D. Program

Essay about a black doctoral student's experience leads to broader discussion of isolation and insensitivity felt by many -- even from seemingly progressive fellow students and faculty members.

Forced to Choose

Bethel College tells faculty members they can't take leadership roles in groups that differ from church view on creation. Are Christian colleges cracking down on supporters of evolution?

Vandalism or Protest?

Some people aren't waiting patiently for colleges to rename buildings or remove statues of racist figures of the Southern past. Is spray paint the appropriate tool? Some experts predict a rise in "historical guerrilla warfare."

Fake Cherokee?

In wake of Rachel Dolezal scandal, a prominent professor in Native American studies who regularly says she is Native American is accused of misrepresenting her background.