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Not Up for Debate?

At Sacramento State, student says she was kicked out of class for insisting that Native Americans were victims of genocide. As incident is investigated, debate grows over whether she was treated unfairly -- and how to handle classroom discussions of this sort.

Fear of New Pronouns

U of Tennessee, facing political backlash, removes guide to language choices that many transgender people prefer and promises review by system leaders before any future guide is issued.

Men Who Admire Their Own Work

Study finds male scholars are more likely than female scholars, across disciplines, to engage in self-citation. Does this give men a leg up in academic promotions?

Good Neighbors or Conspirators?

Some say it's bad form for colleges to actively recruit faculty members from neighbor institutions. Antitrust lawsuit alleges that agreement between Duke and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill essentially barred Duke from hiring UNC faculty.

Genetically Inclined to Learn

A new study finds a direct link between a person's genetic makeup and that person's level of education.

'Presenting While Black'

Study suggests bias against and expectations of 'performance' from black faculty members during academic presentations.

'Stepford Wives: College Edition'?

U of Alabama sorority faces questions for a recruitment video that appears to suggest it is a home for attractive white women only -- but the video is hardly unique among sorority recruiting efforts in emphasizing blondes in bathing suits over time in the library.

Did a Board Chair Overstep?

The board chair at the U of British Columbia objects to a professor's blog post on the president's sudden resignation -- fueling further concerns about that university's still unexplained leadership transition.