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'Please Just Be Nice to People'

An Iowa State student with disabilities was mortified last month to find social media posts mocking her for using a three-wheeled scooter to get around campus. She went public.

When a Joke Isn’t Funny

Online group of scholars of planning and geography divided over one professor’s sexist humor – and how others reacted to it.

Return to Sender

UC Irvine moves to reject gifts for endowed chairs from group that has strong opinions -- too strong -- about the study of Hinduism and a desire to influence who would be hired.

Is the Word 'Plantation' Racist?

Student protesters are demanding that the Cornell Plantations' name be changed by the university.

Can I Mentor African-American Faculty?

You don’t need to be a person of color to mentor a colleague of color, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, but you do need to rethink what it means to be a mentor.

The Intersectionality Muddle

As a rallying cry, intersectionality aims to resist the possibility that the structural relations between the forms of power and discrimination in different times and places might not be the same, argues Cary Nelson.

Scalia and Higher Ed

Justice's death may not change outcome on affirmative action, which he opposed. His record includes key votes and dissents on issues of black colleges, hate speech, single-sex public higher education and church-state line.

Overrated Men

Do the biology students celebrated (perhaps undeservingly) for their intellect always seem to be male? A new study says the answer lies in gender bias.