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Report: Little Movement on Pay Equity in Higher Ed

A new report from College and University Professional Association for Human Resources released Thursday finds a lack of “meaningful progress”...
Students and a chaplain at Sacred Heart University

Catholic College Fully Embraces LGBTQ+ Students’ Needs

Sacred Heart University in Connecticut is one of a few Catholic institutions to establish an LGBTQ+ students’ center and hire a manager of LGBTQ+ affairs.

Shane Windmeyer, in their drag persona as Buff Faye, poses in a shimmery blue and gold dress at DragCon in 2022.

Campus Pride Terminates Founder, Considers Merger

The organization’s board alleges that former executive director Shane Windmeyer—who was also Campus Pride’s only full-time employee—mismanaged over $100,000.

University of Utah Ends Diversity Statements in Hiring

The University of Utah will no longer use diversity statements in hiring, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. The paper shared...
A photograph of seven demonstrators holding signs in a building as someone walks by. One sign says "Protect Pro-Palestine Activism" and another says "Stop Silencing Activism for Palestinians."

MLA Delegates Pass Motion Defending Pro-Palestine Speech

A leading opponent of the statement said it represented “an organizational pivot to anti-Zionism.”

A dictionary entry for the word "reparation," as refracted through a magnifying glass.

Admissions as Slavery Reparations

The end of race-based affirmative action should pave the way for positive admissions considerations— and full-tuition support for—descendants of enslaved Americans, James E. Murray Jr. writes.

A man pulls his empty pockets inside out, in front of a collage of college names

Is Class-Based Affirmative Action a Pipe Dream?

Since the Supreme Court struck down race-conscious admissions, a chorus of voices has called for an ambitious—but costly—economic alternative.

Students in military uniforms talk with civilian students

Veterans’ Studies Gains Traction as Emerging Field

As more colleges focus on recruiting military veterans, proponents of this nascent academic discipline want to promote academic inquiry about veterans.