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‘I, Too, Am Study Abroad’

SUNY Oswego has seen success expanding the diversity of its students who study abroad.

U.S. Says Bathroom Law Violates Title IX

Justice Department tells U of North Carolina that it is violating federal law by enforcing state statute limiting bathrooms transgender people may use.

One Campus, Two Student Governments

Frustrated by what they view as the system's lack of commitment to addressing their concerns, minority students at the University of Kansas are forming a parallel student government.

Honorary Degree Questioned

Students and gay rights groups object to University of Utah plans to award an honorary degree to philanthropist with ties to anti-LGBT organizations. And university didn't win over critics by scrubbing her bio.


Why did Brown students protest a white person doing Hindu chants?

Fallout From Speaking Out

Gordon professor accuses college of retaliating against her for opposing controversial request that institution be exempt from federal law barring discrimination against LGBTQ employees.

A 'Successful' Conference on Hunger?

Wick Sloane wonders if filling an auditorium to discuss the problem of campus hunger and homelessness is progress -- and if screaming would make a difference.

Yale Retains Calhoun Name

A residential college will still feature name of leading advocate for slavery. But university will drop use of "master" to describe those who lead residential colleges.