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The Academic Advantages of Twitter

Being active on the platform can provide scholars with a number of important benefits, writes Christopher Schaberg.

Legal Discrimination

Federal appeals court says former adjunct may not use Title VII, a federal antidiscrimination statute, to sue a college for bias based on her sexual orientation.

Gender Policing in Academe

I have graduate school to thank for the years of tension between my queer gender identity and the norms and expectations of academe, writes Eric Anthony Grollman.

Under Fire, a Dean Departs

Academic at center of dispute at Seattle University -- subject of lengthy sit-in demanding her ouster and protest defending her -- will retire.

Calls for Unity and Civility

After a tense summer nationally, and fearing a return of campus protests, college officials call for a peaceful start to the academic year.

Undocumented Students Deserve Better

There is a great difference between accepting undocumented students and making college truly accessible for them, argues Lily McKeage.

Do Colleges Need to Be Need Blind?

Some maintain that they can drop the policy and preserve access, but those who have gone need blind have seen gains in student diversity.

Not Practicing What They Preach?

Students say colleges should be welcoming to people of all faiths, a new study finds, but their own attitudes toward different groups vary.