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When Students Self-Segregate

Should we intervene, a faculty member asks, when students automatically choose to join groups of their own race in the classroom?

Pregnant, Single, Fired

Federal court finds Christian college lacked the right to tell pregnant instructor to either marry the father of child she was carrying, stop living with him or lose her job.

OK to Speak, Not to Be Honored

If an institution prepares women and gay people (and others as well) for the ministry, is it wrong to honor or invite to speak someone who opposes the ordination of women or gay people?

What Did Black Colleges Win From Meetings With Trump?

Institutional aid was preserved in White House budget. But several programs facing significant cuts serve disproportionate numbers of minority students -- at HBCUs and elsewhere.

Searching for Safe Spaces

They are easy to caricature, but examining safe spaces within the broader context of the university and the First Amendment shows that, properly constructed, they can help students pursue knowledge, write Ashutosh Bhagwat and John Inazu.

Dispute on Cultural Appropriation Leads to Assault Charges

Hampshire students accused of attacking Central Maine Community College students over braids in their hair. Conflict is latest over contested adoption of one culture's styles by another.

Charges of Ignoring Harassment, Year After Year

Grad students’ lawsuit against Ohio U says it failed to act on complaints of an English professor’s sexual misconduct for a decade, allowing him to continue harassing young women. A former department chair is named as a co-defendant.

Sexual Misconduct and the Faculty Code

In wake of scandals, U of California strengthens faculty policies against sexual harassment and assault.