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Insensitive or Racist?

Study finds that students who deliver microaggressions are also likely to harbor racist attitudes.

Inequality and 'The Once and Future Liberal'

In his writings, Mark Lilla calls for images of solidarity to replace what he sees as an unhealthy emphasis on difference, but till now such solidarity has come at the expense of all too many people, argues Michael S. Roth.

The White Face of Library Leadership

An Ithaka S+R survey of research libraries reveals a lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the profession, particularly at the upper levels.

Welcoming Kids at Work

Shenandoah University wants to make it easier for parents to return to campus after a baby by inviting newborns to join their moms and dads at work. Older kids are also welcome if child care falls through or in emergencies.

Why Female Students Leave STEM

Paper finds that bad grades on their own aren’t enough to prompt a change of major, and neither is the environment, but problems arise when those factors compound one other.

Confederate Round-Up

At Chapel Hill, students stage sit-in around controversial statue. At Randolph, a statue comes down. At Georgia, a portrait comes down.

Outrage Over Op-Ed

Essay by law professors at Penn and San Diego asserts that “all cultures are not equal,” decries modern culture, birth control, “inner-city blacks” and “anti-assimilation” Latino immigrants. Many at Penn are demanding the university speak out.

The Disappearing Jew

While not as crude as those on display in Charlottesville, various forms of anti-Jewish sentiment are steadily becoming part of our culture, even and especially in higher education, argues Helene Meyers.