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The Numbers Won’t Speak for Themselves

An high-profile legal case about Mexican-American studies demonstrates why academics should become publicly engaged in issues in contemporary society, argue Nolan L. Cabrera, Stephen Pitti and Angela Valenzuela.

Occupation of Hum 110

Lectures for one of Reed College’s signature learning experiences, a humanities course on the ancient Mediterranean, were canceled after protesters tried to interrupt the class to protest perceived Eurocentrism. What’s the future for courses grounded in ancient -- largely Western -- texts?

Expect More Hate Leaflets

After nearly 200 incidents of white supremacist propaganda on college campuses last year, Anti-Defamation League warns that one group is ramping up its activities.

How to Cultivate Greater Linguistic Diversity

A. W. Strouse, whose students represent a planet’s worth of distinct backgrounds, offers guidance on how to encourage them to speak up in their own way.

Honors for Racist Scientists

As debate over statues and building names moves from Confederate generals to researchers, editorial in Nature receives intense backlash.

A University's Big Move on Socioeconomic Diversity

Using funds from its endowment to expand financial aid, Boston University notches sizable increase in proportion of its freshmen who come from low-income backgrounds.

‘The Man-Not’

Tommy Curry, the philosopher at Texas A&M whose comments on race set off a furor, discusses his new book on how critical theory has ignored the realities of black maleness.

Updated Classic on Race Relations

Beverly Daniel Tatum discusses revised 20th-anniversary edition of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?