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New Questions on Racial Disparity and Student Debt

Early takeaways from new federal data show lower proportion of some nontraditional student types and racial disparities in graduate borrowing.

Alumni Allege Rampant Sexual Harassment

Amid accusations that Columbia International University's president covered up inappropriate behavior by his son, alumni say they experienced unwanted touching from the former president.

How Do You Read the Diversity Statement?

Mariam B. Lam and Anna Finn provide guidance for the committee members tasked with reading and interpreting such statements.

Commencement Speech at Sweet Briar Leaves Many Alumnae Furious

Comments such as "it's only natural for men from Mars to follow the shortest skirt in the room" leave many in audience shocked that a graduation address at women's college would defend sexist and harassing behavior. And there was more.

A Vice President, the N-Word, a Coffee Shop and Culture

After a Duke University administrator complained about rap music being played at a campus coffee shop, two baristas working their shifts were let go, inspiring campus -- and national -- ire.

DeVos to Review Restrictions on Religious Institutions

Department offers few details in release of regulatory agenda, and some say review may be as much symbolic as substantive.

Yale Police Called on Black Student Taking a Nap

Incident adds to anger over how white people -- on campuses and in society -- view non-white people.

Increasing Diversity in Academic Hiring

To best serve students, colleges must examine the recruitment and hiring strategies that may disadvantage applicants from certain groups, write Bryan Betancur and Victoria Livingstone.