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You Can’t Take the Islam Out of Islamophobia

Secular liberal institutions want to believe that such antireligious bias doesn’t happen on their campuses, but that’s not always the case, argues Liza B. Neal.

Open Searches and Diversity

Hoping to increase faculty diversity, UC Davis is holding eight open searches focused on candidates' contributions to diversity, instead of narrow disciplinary expertise.

Confronting 'It's OK to Be White' Posters

Over 10 days, posters have appeared at nine American campuses.

New Scrutiny for Women's Programs

University of Minnesota ends requirement that some scholarships go to women. Tulane evaluates its programs limited to women. Other institutions face new complaints.

Smith Finds No Bias in Incident That Roiled Campus

Investigators concluded that the caller provided "legitimate, non-discriminatory" reason for calling campus police on a black student who was eating her lunch in a residence hall living room. Some question the findings.

For Hillel, Community and Safety

As Jewish students grieve and organize vigils, their national organization discusses steps taken to assure their security. Two of those killed had ties to Pitt.

Could Diversity Survive a Harvard Loss?

Focus in trial was question of what would happen if Harvard (and by extension, other colleges) stopped considering race.

Not Just Megyn Kelly

As Halloween approaches, another university grapples with blackface, just the latest of such incidents. And the (former) NBC host mischaracterized what a British university is doing about costumes.