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Did Critics of Programs for Women Win at Tulane?

University agrees to review whether any programs or scholarships discriminate illegally against men, but legal experts say programs reserved for women are legal.

To Add Black College Students, Recruit Black Schoolteachers

Study finds long-term impact of having a black teacher in kindergarten through third grade.

Admissions Surge After NYU Med Goes Tuition-Free

Applications from underrepresented minority students double.

‘The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education’

Authors discuss new book about the diversity and strength of religion in academe -- as well as some of the tensions.

Blowback Against a Hoax

Author of a recent academic scam faces disciplinary action by Portland State, for failing to alert his research review board before hoodwinking journal editors with outrageous articles. Many say he's guilty of bad form, but did he commit misconduct?

Q&A Goes Horribly Wrong

Racist comments directed at a scholar at a disciplinary meeting floor classicists in the room. Some see it as a major setback for a historically exclusionary field that is trying hard to change.

Potential Breakthrough Against Racist Trolling

Advocates hope a new legal settlement between a former neo-Nazi and a black college student may help other students who find themselves facing digital hate.

Does Inclusiveness Include Nazis?

University of Massachusetts at Amherst has come under fire for asking a student to take down a poster from her dorm room that condemned Nazis using profanity, saying it was not "inclusive."