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Under Fire for Comments on White People

U of Georgia Ph.D. candidate in philosophy says he's under investigation for his comments about race -- now that donors are involved in the debate.

Does George H. W. Bush Deserve a Statue at a Black College?

Hampton University alumni object to honor for the late president, noting his link to Reagan administration and the Willie Horton ad.

Too Taboo for Class?

Professor is suspended for using the N-word in class. He was discussing language in a James Baldwin essay. Given the slur's potential to throw learning off course, is it ever worth using in the classroom -- if it ever was?

Racism and the American Library Association

Association is accused of trying to silence an African American librarian who complained about hostile comments directed at her during the association’s midwinter meeting.

College Groups Blast DeVos Title IX Proposal

Higher ed lobby says new regulations governing campus handling of sexual misconduct complaints would create a quasi-legal system that would burden colleges and infringe on the rights of students.

Trying to ‘De-Bias’ Faculty Recruiting

Can a shift in the way candidates are evaluated eliminate bias based on gender, race and background?

ABA Rejects Plan to Toughen Law School Standards

Opposition came from those who said rules would be unfair to institutions in California and those that serve minority students.

Telling Students Not to Speak Chinese

A professor at Duke University steps down from her administrative role after sending an email to students suggesting they not speak Chinese in student lounge and study areas.