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Full Shutdown

Johns Hopkins students are refusing to leave administration building until officials cancel plans to form an armed police force. Activists are worried about the potential for racial profiling.

Warren Zeroes In on Race

Massachusetts Democrat’s student debt forgiveness plan explicitly addresses racial disparities in student debt, an unusual step for a presidential campaign proposal.

Colliding Values at Doane

University library exhibit included photos of students from the 1920s in blackface. Now the library director is suspended -- and some of her faculty colleagues say Doane made the wrong call.

Washington State Plans to Restore Affirmative Action

Legislature repeals ban imposed by voters, but opponents of consideration of race in admissions are already mobilizing for a new vote.

Iceland's Missing Male Students

Sixty-four percent of students are women, the highest percentage of any European nation.

Fraternity House Sit-In

Students at Swarthmore -- angry over reports of sexual violence and leaks of internal fraternity emails -- are demanding administrators kick out Greek groups.

Scholarly Society in ‘Crisis’

Want to know how to handle a Me Too-related incident and related public relations snafu? Don't ask the Society for American Archaeology.

‘Intersectionality and Higher Education’

Editors discuss new volume of essays on the ways higher education is changing because of issues of race, gender and sexuality -- and how they think higher ed needs to change even more.