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Why Did Prop 16 Fail?

Experts differ in their explanations as higher education prepares for new attacks on affirmative action.

With Us or Against Us?

Students of color at Haverford and administrators are at a standstill as a boycott of classes continues for a second week. The students are demanding firm commitments to structurally shift the institution and better support for students of color.

Thriving Because Of, Not Despite, Their Identity

Although many people may try to define them by their disadvantages, students often view being first generation as a source of influence and power, Marlette Jackson and Ngoc Tran write.

Likely Defeat for Affirmative Action

California voters are rejecting a proposal to restore affirmative action at the state's public colleges and universities.

PC Labels Do Disservice

Pretending the significant challenges that disabled students must grapple with aren’t real -- just different -- does not help and perhaps even harms them, argues Stephen Stern.

Voting on Affirmative Action

Will Election Day see a restoration of the consideration of race in admissions in California? Will the vote be as influential as the measure to ban affirmative action?

Gender Bias in TA Evals

We know about gender bias in student ratings of professors. A new study finds the same, troubling trend in evaluations of teaching assistants.

Even More White Lies

Furman professor resigns suddenly after an anonymous critic outs her as white, not Chicana, as she'd claimed.