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1 Police Call, Lasting Damage

Smith College can't shake an alleged instance of racial profiling from 2018. Now it's being accused of antiwhite racism.

Advances in Deaf Education

Colleges and individuals are endeavoring to make education for deaf people more inclusive and accessible by developing technical vocabulary, training interpreters of color and ensuring greater access.

Antinomies in the Concepts of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Different people support these values for different reasons, and their interpretations of them are sometimes in direct conflict, writes Nicholas C. Burbules.

Colleges Can Teach How to Open Eyes and Ears

Higher education must help people understand the Derek Chauvin trial and its implications, along with other examples of the brutality of racism, write Suzanne Rivera and G. Gabrielle Starr.

Is Diversity Moral? Educational?

Study finds that most college diversity policies are based on educational benefits, consistent with the Supreme Court. This approach appeals to white people, but it doesn't win over Black people. And there may be consequences.

Living Together -- Apart

A new study of three universities found that certain dorms on their campuses were widely, but unofficially, considered off-limits for low-income students and students of color.

Ensuring LGBTQ Inclusion in Sports

An advocacy group for LGBTQ equality in sports that grades Division I athletic departments' policies and practices is raising awareness about inclusion of transgender athletes and pushing colleges to do better.

Addressing Anti-Asian Racism in the University

Official statements condemning it ring hollow if they don’t, in fact, stop the anti-Asian racism that already exists within many of these institutions, argue Robert Diaz and Hae Yeon Choo.