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How DEI Staff Help Retain Faculty of Color

In tough budget times, colleges should not make cuts that shrink that vital mission of staff members dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion, Shannon Portillo writes.

Going After Its Own

The University of Oregon is suing one of its former police officers for allegedly arresting a Hispanic man without a reason and lying about it.

A Debt Long Overdue

A recent report found that the state of Tennessee owes between $150 million and $544 million in land-grant funds to Tennessee State University. Lawmakers have known about the underfunding for decades.

Hopes Raised Then Quickly Dashed

Shortly after a jury in Minneapolis delivered a guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin, Ohio State University students heard about a local police killing and renewed demands for the university to cut all ties with the city's police department.

A Mystery and a Scandal for Anthropology

Weeks after the University of Pennsylvania announced repatriation plans for a controversial collection of skulls, a separate set of human remains is bringing scrutiny. Princeton University is implicated.

A Flier, and So Much More

A debate over a middle school mascot has spilled onto the Tennessee Tech campus, forcing big questions about what free speech and racism really mean.

Allegations of Anti-Semitism at Linfield

The university's ongoing sexual misconduct scandal involving trustees is a two-headed monster, now that one faculty trustee says he faced anti-Semitism for pushing for reform.

The Overlooked Minefield

Any institutional efforts to retain BIPOC women faculty members can be nullified when teaching obstacles are allowed to run rampant, argues Chavella T. Pittman.