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Whether the University Did Enough

A federal appeals court found that Iowa State officials were not indifferent to a sexual assault survivor when they declined to move the student she accused of rape.

Win for Christian Group at Iowa

Judge says university cannot deny recognition because of antigay rules. But decision says main flaw at Iowa is inconsistent enforcement, not the rules themselves.

College Groups Blast DeVos Title IX Proposal

Higher ed lobby says new regulations governing campus handling of sexual misconduct complaints would create a quasi-legal system that would burden colleges and infringe on the rights of students.

Men Blamed for Failure of French Effort on Hiring Female Academics

Requiring that at least 40 percent of search committee members be female was followed by a drop in hiring of women, study found.

Did Critics of Programs for Women Win at Tulane?

University agrees to review whether any programs or scholarships discriminate illegally against men, but legal experts say programs reserved for women are legal.

Blowback Against a Hoax

Author of a recent academic scam faces disciplinary action by Portland State, for failing to alert his research review board before hoodwinking journal editors with outrageous articles. Many say he's guilty of bad form, but did he commit misconduct?

Redefining the Obligation to Protect Students

Federal appeals court revives lawsuit charging U of Mary Washington failed to address anonymous online harassment of feminist students.

The New Title IX Guidelines Benefit Survivors

They prove the rights of both parties are not mutually exclusive, argues Meg Mott, and assume that survivors deserve to be treated as functional human beings.