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Science’s Women Ghostwriters

Study compares scientific input to output, in the form of papers and patents, finding that women are “systematically” denied credit for their work. Other data suggest this is the result of implicit bias, which in turn offers insights into solutions.

The Motherhood Penalty Begins in College

With abortion access under threat, more women, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, will be at risk of stopping out, Natalie Milan, Kaylee T. Matheny and Ilana M. Horwitz write.

Is Title IX Creating a College Quasi Court?

Administrators and legal experts say yes—and that recent regulatory changes have deterred victims from reporting.

The Board of Trustees vs. Everyone

Seattle Pacific University’s board voted to maintain a policy that bars hiring LGBTQ+ individuals. The decision has sparked protests from students and faculty who are pushing to change the policy.

Under the Rug and Quietly Out the Door?

Lawsuit alleges that Canisius College ignored misconduct complaints about a professor until it couldn’t anymore—and then let him say he’d retired while it left students hanging.

‘Huge Hurdles’ and ‘Domino Effects’

Report finds incarcerated women enrolled in college programs at high rates but lagged in earning degrees in prison during the 2020–21 academic year. Scholars and program leaders say these students face unique barriers to completing college inside.

Blind Review Is Blind to Discrimination

Editors and event organizers should not accept proposals from researchers representing institutions with policies that discriminate against LGBTQ students and staff, Kim Manturuk writes.

Liberty Faces a Barrage of Legal Trouble

Liberty University is under investigation for Clery Act noncompliance. Fourteen women have sued since July, accusing the university of a long-standing pattern of mishandling sexual assaults.