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Striving for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Less than 10 percent of students at Grand Valley State University are Latinx. That hasn't stopped the university from making them a focus of supports.

Fashion Sense and Sensibility

A controversial fashion show at the Fashion Institute of Technology that some considered racist set off a discussion about balancing creativity and sensitivity in students' work.

Demanding a Provost's Resignation

University of Oklahoma students want change -- in the form of a new provost -- following several racist incidents on campus.

Complaints Falling on Deaf Ears?

Concordia College students are still angry about a white professor's use of a racial slur in a class several months ago. College administrators' seeming lack of response to the incident has not helped quell the outrage.

Whose Space?

After a complaint that many white students were using the University of Virginia's Multicultural Student Center, the administration emphasizes that all are allowed in the space.

An Intelligent Argument on Race?

Scholar makes argument in favor of race-based research into intelligence, but experts in that subfield say it's an unnecessary plea that doesn't square with scientific realities.

Accusations of Viewpoint Discrimination

Conservative students say their organizations are often denied official campus recognition -- by other student leaders -- because of their political beliefs.

The ‘Hidden Consensus’ for Affirmative Action

New book says campuses are far less polarized on the issue than is widely believed.