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Racial Tensions Escalate

At Missouri, football players will boycott games and hunger striker vows to fast until system president quits; at Yale, protests grow over letter questioning focus on offensive Halloween costumes.

Lessons From Halloween

Debates about racist Halloween costumes remind us that a university should teach students how to reflect on significant societal issues, writes Elizabeth H. Simmons.

Requiring Diverse Pools

U of Texas System will mandate that searches for all administrator positions -- from deans on up -- include a female or minority candidate in the final interview round.

Defending Affirmative Action

Dozens of higher education groups urge Supreme Court to continue to allow colleges to consider race in admissions. Arguments focus on institutional autonomy.

Racial Tensions Erupt at Ithaca

College administration criticized for its response to racially charged incidents.

SAT's Racial Impact

Study finds that for applicants to U of California, race and ethnicity now influence scores more than family income and parental education levels. Could findings change debate over affirmative action?

Reversal at Dartmouth

After questions about her own ethnic status, official named to lead college's program for Native American students will not take the position.

Is This Art?

"White Only" and "Black Only" signs appear -- and are torn down -- at SUNY Buffalo.