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Maximum Pell Preserved

A budget compromise would slightly increase funding for the National Institutes of Health and change eligibility for the largest federal grant program for college students.

Price Back in the Spotlight

A Congressional subcommittee and Education Secretary Arne Duncan are both taking steps to address rising tuition costs.

Private Scholarship, Public Funds

Washington State creates public-private scholarship where corporate donors call the shots on how to spend and invest the fund, which includes state money.

Another Koch Grant Questioned

Whitman professors find it inappropriate that the foundation, following a grant for a lecture, requested students' e-mail addresses.

Occupy Student Loans

Student debt has emerged as a major focus of the protests. Some worry that prospective students are hearing the wrong message -- while others see important shifts in the political debate about borrowing.

Paying It Forward

A few small private colleges are following the lead of law schools, using a loan repayment program to help students perform service work immediately after graduation.

Whom You Pay to Park

Should colleges outsource parking? Plans to do so at Ohio State anger professors.

A Shifting Burden

With tuition continuing to rise, College Board reports find the burden of paying for college shifting from states to the federal government.