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A Free Semester

Union College in Kentucky typically loses half its freshman class before the second year begins, so its new president has made students a promise: If they stay, work hard, and get involved, they won't see a bill for their last semester before graduation.

Parsing the Case Against College

It's in vogue (again) to argue that getting a higher education may not be necessary. It's an old theme, John Thelin notes, and many of the arguments make the opposite case.

The Pupil Cliff

Decrease in high school graduates and growth of minority groups will put increased pressure on states to rethink policies and institutions to improve recruitment, retention and outreach to new student populations, according to new report.

Priced Out

Because of increased competition for students, decreased household income and skepticism about value, a third of institutions predict tuition revenue won't keep pace with inflation, Moody's survey finds.

New Look for Lumina

Foundation picks new strategies for its college attainment push and grant-making, with a focus on metro areas, innovations and results.

Making the Case for Adjuncts

Adjunct faculty make up most of the higher education work force, but their working conditions largely don't reflect their role. Is reform on a wide scale possible? What will it take?

New Programs: Theater, Applied Biology, Arts Management, IT, Law and Sexuality

Hudson County Community College is starting an associate of arts in liberal arts with a focus on theater. South Dakota...

Baby Steps for Need-Based Aid

At meeting of private college presidents, campaign to discourage use of student aid that is not tied to financial need gains some momentum.