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Two Pell Grants?

A new report on rethinking financial aid calls for splitting the main federal need-based-aid program in two, with one grant for adult students and another for traditional-age students.

One Price in California

Two-tier pricing at California community colleges faces longer odds under new chancellor, who says differential tuition clashes with the state's laws and open-access commitment.

Walmart on Campus

After opening at University of Arkansas two years ago, the retailer is now opening two stores on university campuses.

Intel on Adaptive Learning

The Gates Foundation pulls together a diverse group of college leaders to dish on adaptive learning and funds new report on the emerging technology.

Questioning Southern U. Layoffs

AAUP raises doubts about whether crisis university faced in 2011-12 was severe enough to warrant a declaration of financial exigency.

Purdue’s Outsider

Former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has an unconventional background for a research university president, but he and Purdue’s board think that is what is needed to address the unconventional issues facing higher education. And he's winning over campus skeptics.

The Struggling Seminaries

Sudden, deep cuts at the largest Lutheran seminary illustrate the challenges facing theological schools across denominations.

God Bless the Janitors

Wick Sloane recommends a Massachusetts union's trenchant series of reports on the foibles of higher education finance.