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Change in Ohio

Governor wants to allow community colleges to offer bachelor's degrees. He also seeks some state aid for two-year students, who have been frozen out of program since 2009.

Market Up, Spending Up

Healthy stock markets in the United States and abroad allowed colleges to spend more money from their endowment funds.

Deep-Pocket Donors

Contributions to colleges and universities hit nearly $38 billion in 2014, making it the strongest year yet for charitable giving.

Juno on Campus

Photography from campuses as they experienced the blizzard.

Settling Over Speech

Three colleges sued over charges that they were limiting free speech rights have settled by paying out funds and changing policies.

Middle-Class Economics for Tuition

Obama makes his case to the nation for universal, free community college, as he also promotes revamped tax credits for education.

Questioning Debit Card Deals

Feds eye new guidance for colleges that want to enter into agreements with financial institutions to offer banking products on campus.

Federal Promise Unveiled

Bipartisanship is on display as President Obama announces free community college plan in Tennessee, but proposal likely faces tough odds in Congress.