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Recession-Era Woes Subside

The tuition hikes and high federal borrowing and default rates that hit higher education in the recession's wake continue to stabilize and diminish, according to the College Board.

Between Consortia and Mergers

A new report recommends a form of strategic alliance among colleges that is more substantive than consortia but less likely to fail than outright marriages.

Forever Is a Long, Long Time

Colleges should rethink perpetual endowments that honor the donor but thwart good stewardship today, writes John Thelin.

Liberal Arts Minus Liberal Arts Professors

When a college eliminates its only positions for philosophy and American literature, but adds a slot for music therapy, has it changed its mission?

Debit Card Rules Finalized

The new rules include a prohibition on overdraft fees for campus debit cards and a requirement for colleges to publicly disclose agreements with banks and other financial institutions.

Student Debt, Rising Again

Annual report finds a 2 percent uptick in undergraduates' student loan burdens, and a 56 percent increase over 10 years.

Suing Student Loan Servicers

In a decision hailed by consumer advocates, a federal appeals court rules that a major student loan agency is not immune from lawsuits.