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Cost Share Shift

A new report from the Delta Cost Project reveals how much more heavily institutions rely on tuition dollars since the recession.

Burdened by a Budget Impasse

Universities in Illinois are covering millions in state costs as politicians continue to debate a 2015-16 budget halfway into the fiscal year.

Reflecting on Ratings

A chief architect of the Obama administration’s College Scorecard and its recent executive actions on accreditation reflects on her tenure at the Education Department.

Boost From a Budget Deal

Congress passes a 2016 spending and tax bill that blows away caps on discretionary spending to fund more student aid and health research.

Donor With Opinions

Irvine faculty members and students question idea of professorships endowed by foundation that wants to change scholarly study of Hinduism -- and to influence search process for hires.

Playing the Aid Game

Historically, U of Wisconsin at Madison has minimized the use of non-need-based aid, but it is ending that restraint. The catch? Its top official doesn't really agree with the practice.

More Grads Have 'Excessive' Debt

An analysis finds a steady rise in the proportion of college graduates paying too high a percentage of their annual income to repay student loan debt.

Senate Deal Would Revive Perkins

Bipartisan agreement would renew the expired loan program for two years -- but with some new eligibility restrictions that concern colleges.