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The State of Undergraduate Education

The Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education releases its first report, using data to lay out a broad picture of students at today's two- and four-year colleges.

Liberal Arts, Inflexible Structures

The real obstacles to sustaining the liberal arts have to do with traditional organizational structures and curricular approaches, argue Peter Stokes and Chris Slatter.

HOPE for Whom?

New analysis of Georgia's aid program for top students -- a model for those of many other states -- finds that it is missing many low-income and minority students.

The Librarian's Bequest

Alumnus and longtime library employee left largely unrestricted bequest to U of New Hampshire. It is spending $100,000 on the library and $1 million on a video scoreboard for the football stadium.

Smarter State Spending

State dollars for public higher education would go farther, prominent researchers argue, if more of it went to open-access colleges and need-based aid.

Lawmakers Eye Endowment Tax Status

A House Ways and Means subcommittee examines endowments, but lawmakers focus on college affordability.

Clinton's College Cost Calculator

Hillary Clinton's campaign promotes her debt-free college plan with a tool showing future students and current borrowers how much they would save under her proposals.

Wyoming's Wild Ride

A new president fights to juggle a budget crunch with other major initiatives while faculty members worry about institutional direction and spending on big-ticket items.