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Making the Second Time the Charm

The second chance for year-round Pell Grants also means a new opportunity for the U.S. Department of Education to get implementation right this go-round, Ben Miller writes.

A ‘Repudiation’ of Trump Budget

In restoring year-round Pell Grants and boosting research and other programs targeted for major cuts in White House's 2018 blueprint, 2017 budget deal suggests Congress's disinclination to embrace Trump approach.

Diminishing Returns for Tuition Discounting

Net tuition revenue per full-time equivalent student decreased after unrestricted tuition discount rates hit 28.7 percent.

What Comes After Whittier Shutdown?

Plans to close law school spark questions about future shutdowns and worries about impact on student access.

Free Speech, Safety and the Constitution

Officials at Auburn and Berkeley tried to stop two controversial speakers on campus but ended up reversing their decisions amid First Amendment concerns. Experts say it's difficult for public institutions to meet legal tests and keep speakers from campus.

Why I Am Marching

Andrew Hamilton, president of New York University and an organic chemist, writes of the urgency and importance of tomorrow’s March for Science.

Illinois and Everyone Else

Support for public higher education rose in 33 states and declined in 17 in 2016 -- including a massive drop in Illinois.

Is Change Ahead for Title IX?

Michael T. Raupp explores whether a recent court of appeals decision on sexual orientation discrimination will result in new interpretations.