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Government Blasts Energy Divestment

An Australian university's decision to dump $16 million in investments in fossil fuel companies has drawn the wrath of the country's prime minister.

Grow Your Own

Colleges in Pennsylvania teach students about sustainable agriculture and keep the coffee brewing.

Green Rating Questioned

A new report by one sustainable investment advocate suggests one national ranking of sustainable campuses is often unreliable.

Practically Divesting

Pitzer's decision to divest some -- but not yet all -- of its fossil fuel holdings challenges assumptions about colleges' obligation to grow their endowment funds.

Fossil Fuel Free Investments

Pitzer will sell holdings -- a rare move for a college with an endowment of its size.

A Sustainable Campus

A former college president identifies 9 elements for success.

Divestment Can Pay Off

Harvard won't sell off its holdings in fossil fuel companies. But Stephen Mulkey explains why the small college he leads did so -- and is benefiting financially and educationally.

Harvard Says No

University president says she doesn't believe selling holdings in fossil fuel companies is "warranted or wise," and suggests doing so would be inconsistent with how students and professors use energy.