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Capital Campaign Watch: Albion, Butler, Catholic, DePauw, Gustavus Adolphus, Seattle U, U of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

Starting Off: Albion College has announced a $100 million campaign to be raised in the next 18 to 24 months...

Capital Campaign Watch: Alma, BU, Manhattan

Starting Out: Alma College has started a campaign to raise $120 million by 2021. A major priority would be to...

Foxconn’s $100 Million Promise Falling Short

University of Wisconsin Madison, which announced last year it would open joint research campus with Foxconn in 2020, is well behind its original promise.

Controversy Over Western Civilization Funding in Australia

University of Queensland says fixed-term gift will provide rare infusion of support for humanities, but professors and students have concerns about academic freedom and the donor's political agenda.

A Game-Changing Windfall

An unexpected bequest by an unassuming donor will help financially strapped students at Compton College and also allow the institution to create an endowment.

Capital Campaign Watch: ArtCenter, College of the Atlantic, Davidson

Starting Off College of the Atlantic has started a two-year campaign to raise $50 million. Thus far, $41 million has...

Foreign Gifts Under Scrutiny

As Education Department opens investigations into whether universities complied with law requiring federal reporting of foreign gifts and contracts, colleges call for more clarity on what the law requires.

Capital Campaign Watch: Kettering, Salisbury, U San Francisco

Starting Off Kettering University is starting a campaign to raise $150 million. A top priority is to finance a 105,000-square-foot...